Sunday February 5th 2023 by SocraticDev
I sometimes wonder if it bothers people that I post hyperlinks relating to my research and work on LinkedIn.
I understand the nature of the discomfort.
Some believe that posts on LinkedIn are motivated by a desire to receive attabois. Others conclude that most of the comments published amount to superficial flattery. Finally, many cautious people censor themselves for fear that their remarks would disturb others.
Stack Overflow founder Jeff Atwood's opinion
The success of web 2.0 is to allow everyone to interact publicly together. What this either by posting restaurant reviews or congratulating a colleague on LinkedIn.
Before, everything was private by default. A large proportion of Internet users aligns with this status quo. Use social networks, but not too much invest. Especially on sites like LinkedIn where you use your own name. We does not want to take a public position on delicate subjects. Or we is irritated by the publications of a contact! And we refrain from publishing by fear of irritating other subscribers.
But what benefits do they expect to derive from a networking platform professional by avoiding public discussion of their interests, passions and their challenges?
Computer developer Jeff Atwood, well aware of the pitfalls of "getting publish" on the Internet judges that the game is worth the candle:
This is not to say we should fill the world with noise on every mundane aspect of our existence. But who decides what is mundane? Who decides what is interesting? Everything's interesting to someone, even if that someone is only you and a few other people in the world.
It's my firm belief that the inclusionists are winning. We live in a world of infinitely searchable micro-content, and every contribution, however small, enriches all of us. But more selfishly, if you're interested in deriving maximum benefit from your work, there's no substitute for making it public and findable. Obscurity sucks. But obscurity by choice is irrational. When in doubt, make it public.
why publish?
We must publish on LinkedIn to enrich the platform. But especially to grow our professional network and our craft.
What are the odds that the people who can help us grow live in our neighborhood or work at our organization?
By being active online, we expose ourselves to the world: our interests, our achievements, our projects and skills. Much better than a resume, right?
Above all, we meet people from all walks of life with whom we can learn much more than looking at his feet.
If our content will interest only 5% of our contacts, then let's hope that
95% others learn how to use the feature: Unfollow...
translated from french by google translate