Thursday January 9th 2025 by SocraticDev
"The Taoist tradition is one of the three pillars, along with Confucianism and Buddhism, of Chinese thought. This philosophy appeals to our Western minds partly because it is not colored by traumatic episodes from our childhood and also because of its intrinsic flexibility: it readily lends itself to interpretations that align with our personal opinions."
"To govern a great kingdom, one must imitate someone cooking a small fish."
The eminent master refrains from words
And when his work is accomplished and his task fulfilled,
the people say: "This comes from myself"
In philosophy, addressing politics as the relationship of power between human beings was a way to convey practical wisdom while integrating it into an explanation of the world that could satisfy our quest for meaning.
The Book of the Principle and Its Action, by the founder of Taoism, challenges our intellectual reflexes based on common sense and habitual beliefs. The Tao is the nature of everything: it is empty, silent, and boundless. 'The Tao, when accumulated, becomes effective.' In short, everything that acts like the Tao is destined for success, while that which strays from it moves toward failure.
The ultimate principle of the Tao is non-action. Thus, it is said that a ruler who governs a state discreetly, without forcing the people and without multiplying decrees and laws, is destined for success. Conversely, one who is restless and agitated is heading toward ruin.
The same applies to anyone who seeks to lead others to achieve their goals. By adopting Taoist principles, their work will be crowned with success. Moreover, all those who supported them will eventually believe that their actions and decisions came from themselves (and not from the master).
translated by ChatGPT
- Lao-Tseu, Tao-tö king, LX
- Jean Levi, "Han-Fei-tse ou le Tao du Prince", chapitre "Commentaire de Lao tse"